Our family teaches homesteading, DIY, survivalist skills, life skills as part of our homeschooling curriculum. Thank you for joining us on our journey to become more self sufficient!
I was going to try to do one of those "Wordless Wednesdays" you see on other blogs. You know, when they post one picture and it pretty much explains it all. No words needed. Sometimes there are pictures and other stuff I would like to share with you, but they really do not equal a whole blog post. But.. Apparently, I am not a wordless type of gal! :D
I do want to share my salad for lunch today with you. Although, I used a bagged salad mix, (lettuce just refuses to grow for me, and when it does, it is bitter) the sugar snap peas and cherry tomatoes are fresh from our garden! We are not getting a whole lot of peas, (I think it is the crazy Texas heat) but we have gotten several snacks from our plant.
The cherry tomatoes have produced like crazy and we have enough to munch on while walking about the property, AND we have a small bowl of them sitting on the counter. Zoey gathers them for us every other day. Do you remember my cherry tomato plant that was in the 5 gallon bucket? It got so big we had to transplant it into the ground. It is not so big and beautiful anymore, but it still produces yummy tomatoes! So that is about it! While I go eat my salad, I am going to head on over to the Homestead Blog Hop and see what's happening! Come join me!
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