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Homeschooling The Well Prepared Child: February 2017

Monday, February 6, 2017

A Glimmer of Hope

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Our beautiful Avocado Tree died this year. We are devastated. 3 years we have babied this plant. Bringing it inside during winter, making sure it did not get too much afternoon sun in the summer. It grew big, healthy and strong. Until we brought it in for the cold weather this year.
We refused to give up hope.. Until the top little limbs grew dry and snapped easily. Our little tree was lost. Refusing to be defeated, we decided to try again. Zoey began saving seeds from avocados. Our theory to the dead tree was that perhaps it had outgrown the container it was in. We were hoping the tree would only grow to the capacity of the planter, staying that size instead of growing into a large tree. Where we live is prone to very mild winters, however, it is not uncommon to have short bursts of freezing cold temps. It it got too big, we would not be able to bring it inside and protect it. The last ones that were in the ground died when we had icy weather.

We finally took our little, sad, dead tree back outside today. I figured it was gone, but did not have the heart or the time to pull it up out of the planter. While we were cleaning up some carrots from the garden, I looked over at the tree, sighing... but look!
Just when we thought all was lost with our little tree ... a little glimmer of hope came up through the ground! All is not lost!

We can apply this to life.
  1. Things are not always as they seem.
  2. Sometimes things do not go according to plan. Do not give up.
  3. Try and try again!
  4. Always have a back up plan.
Read how we got our avocado started by clicking the pic!

Maybe we will have avocados yet!

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